First, make sure that all cattaSearch requirements are in place - see cattaSearch requirements.
Second, download the cattaSearch file - see cattaSearch download files.
Simply copy the cattaSearch files into your website, with the directory structure in the download file.
Create the MySQL backend database for your searches. You can use the script in the file db/cattasearchdb.sql.
You need only create the two first database tables, 'website' and 'csCrawlLog'. The third table is only included for information. It shows the structure of the tables created when you define a website for crawling.
Note: If you change the database name from de default 'cattasearch', you need to change the database reference in the files inc/csLogonW.php and search/csLogonR.php.
You connect the MySQL database with a database user. The two database connect files inc/csLogonW.php and search/csLogonR.php assumes a writable user with the name 'csw' and a read-only user with the name 'csr'. The corresponding passwords are in the connect files.
You need only create the two first database tables, 'website' and 'csCrawlLog'. The third table is only included for information. It shows the structure of the tables created when you define a website for crawling.
Note: If you change the database user names and/or passwords, you have to change the connect strings in the files inc/csLogonW.php and search/csLogonR.php.
The writable user - 'csw' - need the following permissions to the 'cattasearch' database: CREATE, DELETE, DROP, EXECUTE, INDEX, INSERT, SELECT and UPDATE.
The read-only user - 'csr' - need the following permissions to the 'cattasearch' database: EXECUTE and SELECT.
The default language in cattaSearch is English. cattaSearch has been translated into Danish. If you wish to use the Danish version, change the language in the file inc/csLangConst.php.
If you want cattaSearch in another language, you can make your own translation by following the guide for cattaDoc. If you do so, I will appreciate that you send the result to me so others also can use it.